Thursday, December 29, 2011



With all the pressures of our daily routine, which include running around like a one-armed paper hanger all day (whether for your kids or at work) - it is more important than ever to pamper ourselves as much as we can. And a Facial is an incredible way to smooth away those stress lines.

It needs to be simple and fast, so here goes - you guys - this is for you, too!

HONEY - Use a cloth moistened with warm water and pat skin to open pores. Smear honey onto your skin and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and pat skin dry with cloth damp with cold water to close pores.

RAW EGG YOLK - Spread on face and neck and leave on skin for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

RAW EGG WHITE - Beat egg white until frothy and spread on face. Wait until it dries and rinse off with warm water.

GRAPES - Cut one grape in half and rub lightly all over face.

PLAIN YOGURT - Apply on face after cleansing and leave on for 15 – 20 minutes.

MILK - Swab on face with cotton ball, leave on until your skin feels tight. Rinse off with warm water. Your skin will feel super-soft afterwards.

AVOCADO - Mash avocado, leave on skin for ten minutes.

OLIVE OIL - Dab on lips at bedtime if chapped or leave on face overnight.

BAKING SODA - Use as exfoliant for face by adding to your regular cleanser.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - Dilute apple cider vinegar with two parts water and apply over face with a cotton ball as a toner after washing face every day and every night.

BANANA - Mash one overripe banana and spread onto face. Rinse off after 15 to 30 minutes with warm water.

Always remember the K.I.S.S. Principle - Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!

Thursday, December 22, 2011



Everyone knows that the more body you have in your hair, the younger it makes you look. Here are a few tips I thought you might find helpful:

During Your Morning Shower:
Make sure your shampoo and conditioner is a voumizing blend. These contain lightweight polymers - agents that cling to hair and plump strands. A 2-in-1 product will limit product build-up, which can weigh it down.

Before You Dry Your Hair:
Spray a volumizing styler onto the damp roots and then comb thoroughly and evenly through your hair, all the way to the ends.
While Drying Your Hair
Always use a big, round brush while lifting yoru hair at the roots and wrap 1-2 inches around the brush. Make sure to aim the dryer nozzle upwards.

After Hair Is Dry
Rollers are still the thing to use. Try using a few self-adhering Velcro rollers and wrap 1-2 inches of hair around each one of them. Use your blow dryer for about a minute, then let the rollers cool. This will help hold the shape. Unroll carefully and shake out by using just your fingers.

The Finishing Touch
Spray on a very light mist of hairspray - mist it into the air and then walk through it, instead of spraying the hair directly. This will also help cut down build-up. Your hair should retain a bit of a bounce.

If you have any questions, just give me a call at the salon.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


For quite some time, I thought about writing a Blog... something different... something of value to you, my reader, that could show you ways of "feeling better" and "looking great." After all, that is my line of work here in this scenic town of Taos, New Mexico.
In the Blogs to follow, you will learn how to make your own spa and beauty products at home, healthy recipes for more youthful-looking skin and hair, and whatever else I think you might be interested in.

In the meantime, if I can be of service, just give me a call or stop by. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.